Health 2024
Why is it that we live in our world where we know more than ever in terms of the health and wellbeing realm but still have a population of humans that live their lives feeling below average? Constant fatigue, weight issues, hormonal and gut problems, overworked, and highly stressed are a few examples of what I hear on a daily basis.
So ask yourself now – do you (and your body) currently feel below average? Do you have the energy to do above the bare minimum? Or are you just coasting through?
We now live in our world where we can have anything at the click of a button – meals delivered, at home workout programs, online coaching, the list goes on… But it’s at the stage now where most people I talk to are at a cross roads. They don’t know what to believe anymore. There’s an argument for/against almost every health trend!
- Do the positives outweigh the negatives with the Carnivore diet?
- Is soy milk good or bad for me?
- Should I be intermittent fasting?
There’s so much conflicting information people don’t know where to start! As a society we constantly feel like we need to do more. Spend more time working, exercising, meditating, meal prepping, family time, socialising. But that all seems like too many balls to keep in the air when our body’s battery is close to 0%.
Optimising and maintaining good health isn’t ‘trendy’ – but it’s essential for living an energised and fulfilling life. If you don’t make time for your health now, you’ll be forced to make time for disease later. It really is as simple as that. Have you ever gotten to a point where you haven’t been taking proper care of yourself for a while and things start to feel off? It’s like the check engine light in your car. If you ignore it, something is likely to go quite wrong at some stage. Same with our bodies. If you don’t pay attention to the warning signals your body will stop you dead in your tracks and say ‘WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF ME’.
The aim with our health is not perfection. It is to feel strong, energised, and confident in our body and what it can do. To create this there are simple key pillars that I focus on (and no they’re not trendy, but they have worked since the dawn of time). Sleep. Nutrition. Movement. Stress. If you aren’t focusing in on these four pillars, you don’t need to be worrying about the infrared sauna, ice bath, fasted cardio, greens powder lifestyle.
Bella x